Earn more on new small group sales

Now through 1 de marzo de 2025

For coverage effective: Oct. 1, 2024 – 1 de marzo de 2025

Hands holding two dollar bills illustration

Thank you for your partnership and the amazing growth we achieved this past quarter. Due to popular demand, we will be extending our small group broker bonus program deadline to 1 de marzo de 2025.

With some of the lowest small group rates in the market, we’re making it easy for San Diegans to get the high-quality care and service they deserve, with health insurance they can count on. You deserve the best too — and you can earn more with our new broker bonus program.

View our low rates ➜

Afilie nuevos negocios y gane

When you enroll new small group business with effective dates of Oct. 1, 2024 to 1 de marzo de 2025, you’ll earn big with our tiered bonus program!

Total Number of Employees Enrolled from 10/1 to 3/1Bonus for Each Employee Enrolled

Example 1
1 group with 2 employees (Effective: 10/1)
2 groups with 4 employees (Effective: 10/1)
+ 1 group with 8 employees (Effective: 1/1)
18 employees
Total payout: $900 ($50×18)
Example 2
1 group of 20 employees (Effective: 10/1)
+ 1 group of 30 employees (Effective: 1/1)
50 employees
Total payout: $7,500 ($150×50)
Example 3
1 group with 10 employees (Effective: 2/1)
1 group with 20 employees (Effective: 2/1)
+ 1 group with 50 employees (Effective: 3/1)
80 employees
Total payout: $16,000 ($200×80)

¿Tiene preguntas?

You may contact our small business group account executive, Cheryl Cote, by email at cheryl.cote@sharp.com or by phone at 1-858-499-8235. Cheryl is available to assist you Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Términos y condiciones

Applicable for small groups with 1-100 employees with effective dates of Oct. 1, 2024 - 1 de marzo de 2025.

  • Bonuses will be determined based on the number of subscribers who have been active for at least one month during each bonus period. Additionally, the bonus amount will not be paid if a member disenrolls.
  • Debe tener una licencia y una asignación de Sharp Health Plan y debe tener un acuerdo de corredor de seguros vigente.
  • The selling broker must be in good standing with a current signed Sharp Health Plan agreement, and have a valid license.
  • El corredor de seguros debe ser el corredor de seguros registrado en la fecha de vigencia de la cobertura grupal y en el momento en que se paga el bono.
  • Los pagos se realizarán alrededor de 120 días después del final del período del programa.
  • Los programas de bonos se pagan a la entidad sujeta a comisiones que figura en la solicitud original para empresas.
  • Los agentes generales no son elegibles.
  • Las pérdidas, las ganancias y las transferencias de segmento del corredor de seguros registrado no son elegibles para su bono en virtud de este programa de incentivos. Los informes de Sharp Health Plan serán la única base utilizada para el bono.
  • Medical Incentive Program applies to Small Group HMO/POS Business Off-Exchange sales only (including Off-Exchange Package plans and Mirrored Package plans). La membresía del negocio para empresas pequeñas Exchange (Cal Choice and Covered California Small Business [CCSB]) no es elegible para este bono y no se incluirá para calcular la elegibilidad de un corredor de seguros para el bono.
  • The enrolled employee counts will be derived from the Small Group HMO/POS medical plan only, and will be based on the number of enrolled medical employees as of the group’s effective date. La determinación de Sharp Health Plan del recuento de afiliados y empleados que estén afiliados es final.
  • Para los acuerdos de corredores de seguros dobles o múltiples, el crédito para afiliados y empleados afiliados para los cálculos de pago se asignará en la misma proporción en que se dividan las comisiones en el caso.
  • Los corredores de seguros y consultores divulgarán a sus clientes todas las comisiones y otros pagos que Sharp Health Plan les haya realizado en cumplimiento de todos los requisitos legales.
  • This program is offered at the sole discretion of Sharp Health Plan. Sharp Health Plan reserves the right to discontinue or modify at any time and without notice. Las decisiones tomadas por Sharp Health Plan serán finales.