Servicios quiroprácticos y de acupuntura

We partner with American Specialty Health to provide chiropractic, acupuncture and other alternative care services to support optimal health and recovery. Supplemental chiropractic and acupuncture are included in select benefit plans.

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Check your covered benefit details for chiropractic or acupuncture.

Log in to your online account from a computer or the Sharp Health Plan app. Go to Coverage, then Coverage documents, then review your summary of benefits. On mobile devices, we recommend using the app.

Medicare Advantage members

Go to our Sharp Direct Advantage website for chiropractic and acupuncture details.

To Medicare Advantage website

Afiliados de CalPERS

Visit our CalPERS website to learn about your plan's chiropractic and acupuncture benefit.

To CalPERS website

Alternative care and wellness deals

Explore discounts on fitness and wellness through ChooseHealthy® a product of American Specialty Health. The ChooseHealthy program offers discounts on alternative provider services such as:

  • Acupuntura
  • Quiropráctico
  • Masoterapia
  • Nutrición*
  • Terapia ocupacional*
  • Terapia física*
  • Podiatría*

Talk to your doctor first to discuss which services are recommended before seeking care. Services marked with an asterisk (*) may be covered under your medical benefits. To find an alternative provider, contact ChooseHealthy at 1-877-335-2746.

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Register for ChooseHealthy from your Sharp Health Plan online account.

  1. Log in to your online account from a desktop or mobile browser.
  2. Scroll down the home screen and select Prevention & wellness.
  3. Go to Discounts, then select Wellness deals.

Disclaimer for American Specialty Health products and services: The Sharp Health Plan alternative care and wellness product discount offerings are administered by American Specialty Health (ASH). The ChooseHealthy program is not insurance and in some cases is not a covered benefit of your medical health plan. Si accede a cualquiera de estos servicios como parte de los beneficios cubiertos bajo otro plan o póliza, usted debe agotar todos esos beneficios antes de utilizar los servicios de Sharp Health Plan. Los costos de estos servicios no se tienen en cuenta para alcanzar su deducible o gastos de bolsillo máximos a través de Sharp Health Plan, a menos que sean incluidos en su plan de beneficios médicos. Cualquier disputa relacionada con estos productos y servicios puede estar sujeta al proceso de quejas de Sharp Health Plan y/o ASH. Sharp Health Plan y Best Health® no tienen acuerdos financieros de propiedad con ASH.

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