Una guía definitiva de la aplicación Best Health

Herramientas gratuitas de salud y bienestar al alcance de sus empleados.

Herramientas gratuitas de salud y bienestar al alcance de sus clientes.

  • Take the Wellness Assessment and get recommended goals and activities to support a healthy lifestyle.
  • Track steps, blood pressure, water intake and more by connecting integrated health apps and devices.
  • Test your knowledge and learn with Healthy Living Programs with health topics like mindfulness, healthy eating and physical activity.
  • Access over 1,000 health articles and videos in the education library.
  • Schedule a 1:1 phone consultation with a health coach before signing up for a free, six-week coaching program.

Precio: Gratuito
Plataformas: iOS y Android

Apple App Store Google Play

¿No sabe por dónde empezar? Realice la evaluación de bienestar para recibir recomendaciones personalizadas. After you finish, you'll be able to review your strengths and risk levels, then explore what wellness activities would best support your overall wellbeing. Vea el interior de la aplicación en las capturas de pantalla a continuación.