Completing a Wellness Assessment in three easy steps

Es tan fácil como uno, dos, tres.

Our free Best Health® Wellness Assessment is a short, confidential survey that gives members valuable insight into their current health and ways to improve it. Use the Wellness Assessment to:

  • Evaluate your health and set goals
  • Encourage and motivate you to make healthy choices
  • Create a solid foundation for your health and wellness progress

Cómo registrarse

Los afiliados pueden comenzar siguiendo estos tres sencillos pasos:


Inscribirse para crear una cuenta.

The first step to completing a Wellness Assessment is creating a Best Health account, which is free for Sharp Health Plan members ages 18+. They'll need a valid email address to register.


Iniciar sesión en la cuenta.

Members will log in to their account to complete their Wellness Assessment. This ensures their information remains safe and confidential.


Haga la evaluación de bienestar.

Los afiliados deben responder todo, lo más sinceramente posible. The Wellness Assessment takes 5-10 minutes to complete. Pueden terminar fácilmente en una sola sesión, pero también pueden interrumpir y volver más tarde. We'll save their answers.

Qué tipo preguntas habrá

Les preguntaremos a los afiliados sobre las cosas que hacen todos los días, como comer y dormir. They can also share their medical conditions. Members will see questions about their modifiable health risks. These are areas of health members can change, like their eating and exercise habits, mental health, stress levels, and whether they use tobacco products.

Consejo: For even more personalized results, feedback and recommendations, members should try to have their latest numbers from any screening tests or a physical exam on hand — like their last blood pressure reading, cholesterol values and their weight.

More reasons for members to take a Wellness Assessment:

  • Ellos se sentirán mejor.
    Members can learn to make good food choices and get tips to manage stress, improve sleep, support social connectedness, and more.
  • Ahorrarán el dinero.
    When they’re healthier, they’ll spend less on health care. Brindamos a los afiliados el apoyo que necesitan para estar sanos y mantenerse sanos.
  • Obtendrán programas y recursos que tratan sobre ellos.
    Based on the information members submit in their Wellness Assessment, we’ll recommend programs to meet their health needs. They can also meet with a health coach to get one-on-one support.

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Beneficios de realizar una evaluación de bienestar

Obtenga información valiosa sobre su salud y cómo mejorarla.

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