5 ways to help your kids stay healthy

Try these tips to support a healthy lifestyle and weight.

Mom cutting cucumbers for daughter in kitchen

When it comes to your children’s health, there are many things to consider: nutritious meals, a good sleep schedule, making time for playtime, and so much more. These factors support a healthy lifestyle, and they can also support a healthy weight. September is National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month, and with 1 in 5 children and adolescents affected by obesity, getting kids in the kitchen and out on the playground can help them stay healthy.

Los siguientes cinco consejos pueden ayudar a los niños a mantenerse saludables, y también son buenos para los adultos.


Evite la comida rápida y los alimentos procesados.

Fast food has more calories, sugar and salt, which can affect kids’ weight and health.


Trate de comer cinco porciones de frutas y verduras frescas todos los días.

Las frutas y verduras tienen los nutrientes que los niños necesitan para crecer, pero las hortalizas frescas no son la única opción. Las frutas y verduras enlatadas o congeladas, si tienen bajo contenido de sodio y pocos o cero azúcares añadidos, también son excelentes elecciones.


Haga que la comida sea divertida.

Learn about the five food groups with your children, get them involved during mealtimes and play fun food games. If you have picky eaters, try these easy, healthy lunch ideas.


Intente hacer al menos 60 minutos de actividad cada día.

Encourage your kids to try activities that that increase their heart rate and build bone strength, such as running, climbing and jumping, for at least an hour per day.


Get plenty of rest and spend less time in front of screens.

Too little sleep may increase obesity risk and disrupt hormones, leading to an increased appetite. Setting screen time limits can help support a healthier lifestyle. Try reducing screen time to 30 minutes or less for children ages 2 and above. You can also consider keeping meals and snack time screen-free.

Mejorar la nutrición de los niños

Most kids aren’t eating enough vegetables, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say, but a healthy eating plan may help to manage weight and should include:

  • Frutas, verduras, cereales integrales y leche y productos lácteos descremados o con bajo contenido de grasa.
  • Proteínas, como frijoles, huevos, carnes magras, guisantes y semillas.
  • Menores cantidades de azúcares añadidos, sodio, grasas saturadas y trans, y colesterol.

Para obtener más recursos que le permitan apoyar la salud de su hijo o hija, vea los seminarios web gratuitos de nuestro programa de bienestar Best Health® y una práctica lista de verificación de atención preventiva para niños.

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