Meet the Best Health coaches

Learn about our program and the amazing coaches you’ll meet on your wellness journey.

The Best Health® wellness program offers one-on-one, personalized health coaching at no cost. Whether you're new to health coaching or are ready to try something new, it's easy to get started. Get to know our friendly National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coaches (NBC-HWC), who will stick with you every step of the way.

Best Health Coach - Amanda Abbs

Amanda Abbs, Health Coach, NBC-HWC (she, her)

  1. What is your background in health and wellness?
    I have a bachelor's degree in Nutritional Science from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. I started health coaching in 2009 and I joined the Best Health coaching team in 2016. In September of 2017 I became a National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC).
  2. What's your favorite thing about San Diego?
    I love living in San Diego and the fact that we have so many different and beautiful terrains to explore within 30 minutes in any direction. I can go from the mountains of Julian to a sandy beach in the same day. I love being outdoors and San Diego provides so many opportunities to take advantage of this.
  3. What's something you enjoy most about being a health coach?
    When it comes to being a health coach, I enjoy the level of connection I can create with my members. I love being able to support people in their personal growth and progress and celebrate every step they make, no matter how small. It is such an honor to be trusted and allowed to join in on someone's journey to be the best version of themselves.
  4. What do you look forward to when you work with a member?
    When I work with a member, I look forward to creating hope, building self-efficacy, encouraging self-compassion and ultimately, guiding someone to be their own coach. A big part of making successful lifestyle changes is believing you can. It's a beautiful thing to come together with someone and have an opportunity to shine a light on all the small wins and effort that can easily be missed by an individual if they get caught up in the "failures."
  5. What's your favorite feature or tool on the Best Health website?
    My favorite feature has to be the Buddy Challenge. It's a fun way to get support, encourage others and connect with individuals or groups around making healthy changes. It's awesome that you can create any challenge you want for any amount of time. I can't wait to see all the creative ways our members put it to use!
Best Health Coach - Michelle Milles

Michelle Milles, Health Coach, NBC-HWC

  1. What is your background in health and wellness? I have worked as a health coach for 17 years, both as a telephonic and on-site coach.
  2. What's your favorite thing about San Diego? I grew up in Tucson, AZ, so I really appreciate the beautiful San Diego weather. I love the cool, crisp mornings and don't even mind a little May gray or June gloom!
  3. What's something you enjoy most about being a health coach? I appreciate the opportunity to be curious and courageous. I'm curious to ask lots of questions and courageous to ask the questions that many are afraid to ask.
  4. What do you look forward to when you work with a member? I love that I'm not the expert and instead, I get to witness the member become the expert of their own life. It's truly a privilege!
  5. What's your favorite feature or tool on the Best Health website? I like the challenges! There's a cancer awareness challenge that helps you track anti-cancer activities, so you can't go wrong with that!
Best Health Coach - Monica Rivas

Monica Rivas, Health Coach, NBC-HWC

  1. What is your background in health and wellness? I have a bachelor's degree in psychology from San Diego State University. I joined Sharp Health Plan's Best Health team in 2019 and have and 10+ years working as a health coach. I obtained my National Board Health & Wellness Coach Certification in 2019.
  2. What's your favorite thing about San Diego? I love the favorable weather throughout the year, which allows for many types of recreational activities. There's something for everyone in San Diego!
  3. What's something you enjoy most about being a health coach? I enjoy and am most appreciative when members share their experiences and health journeys with their coach. It helps build trust, strength, and resiliency, which is a wonderful process to see as health coach.
  4. What do you look forward to when you work with a member? I know that every member has their own set of strengths, and they have the ability to be resilient. These qualities can be discovered when a safe and structured space is created during the coaching process. I look forward to this part of coaching because it becomes a very empowering moment for a member, and I love to see that part of members flourish.
  5. What's your favorite feature or tool on the Best Health website? I love that there are a ton of credible and reliable health and wellness articles to read all in one location.

Choose a health topic and get paired with a coach

When you're ready to get started, pick a topic you'd like to focus on, like physical activity, stress management and more. Then, fill out this form to set up a phone consultation.

Our six-week coaching programs are conveniently held over the phone. Sessions are once a week and are 30 minutes long, so they're easy to fit into your schedule.

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